On December 18, Koldo Artaraz, president of Enkartur (Enkarterri Tourism Association), presents the 2014 award of honor to the Amalurra de Artzentales hotel, during an emotional Tourism gala held in Zalla, full of local talent. Koldo Arataraz He indicated how the “… Hotel Amalurra is committed to tourism linked to the environment and health …”, […]
Amalurra, responsible accommodation
Amalurra Natural Resort has been chosen as a pilot hotel within the European project NEZEH , Nearly Zero Hotels (Hotels Huella Almost Zero), thanks to the measures implemented so far in the field of renewable energy and bio-construction and the commitment to energy reconversion that we plan to develop in the future. Magazine INFOHORECA , […]
14 vegetarian menus
“Lapikoen Xarma” is the vegetarian cookbook published by Amalurra. A bilingual book, by 14 vegetarian recipes, Easy to prepare, healthy, nutritious menus that can also be enjoyed in the Amalurra restaurant. The idea of compiling these recipes and making a cookbook came about at the repeated request of numerous clients, most of them restaurant regulars, […]
Tourism and sustainability
Amalurra Natural Resort has been selected as a pilot project among hundreds of projects from six European countries, to implement measures focused on this search for Almost Zero Consumption and the next June 24 will participate in a meeting in Nice to share the actions already carried out in this regard and the new projects […]
The Amalurra Meeting Room: How to overcome obstacles in times of crisis.
On the first weekend of November 2014 we have finally opened a new room that we have called multicultural meeting room with capacity for more than 250 people. Until less than two years ago it was simply a wish that became unattainable. We had neither the money nor the personal disposition to face and carry […]
Hospitality and sustainability, a fashionable couple
This is the 4th edition in Bilbao of the international fair for organic products, Biocultura. Amalurra as a hotel, restaurant, spa and multipurpose space, with rooms and workplaces that host groups, meetings, concerts, exhibitions, celebrations, … etc. participate in the fair by contributing our way of doing and managing within the hospitality and hospitality industry. […]
Hotel Amalurra in Biocultura Barcelona, an appointment with responsible consumption
One more year, we attended the appointment of Bioculture Barcelona , which took place this year of May 4-6 in the palace Sant Jordi . The booth of Amalurra made visible the services of the hotel , its different accommodation options: double rooms, shared rooms in the hostel, wooden cabins and apartments for families or […]
Enkarterri Green, sustainable economy, responsibility and commitment
The Hotel Amalurra hosted on May 23 the eighth edition of the initiative ‘Enkarterri breakfasts’, a forum that brings together social and economic agents as well as institutional representatives of the region of Encartations . The meeting that had as its title ‘Corporate social responsibility, employability and regional development’ served as the stage to award […]