Encounter at Findhorn The meeting of Gen Europe and Gen International (Global Ecovillage Network) was held this year in the community of Findhorn , Scotland, July 6-10. Irene Goikolea , as founder of Amalurra and Josune Badiola , as a member of the community and representative of the RIE (Iberian Ecovillage Network) they attended this […]
II Convergence of Permaculture
Information and registration: http: // www.permaculturaibera.org/ cep-2016 / II SPANISH CONVERGENCE OF PERMACULTURE Permanent living agoras Amalurra, Vizcaya / Bizkaia August 27-30, 2016 Welcome and welcome to the II Spanish Permaculture Convergence. We are very happy to invite all of you to this annual Permaculture event. This meeting offers us a great opportunity to share […]
Meeting of Ecovillages in Amalurra
This summer, the Amalurra Community will host the RIE ecovillage summer meeting , where people from very different places come together to live, share, learn and exchange experiences, information, projects and ideas, around the movement of communities and ecovillages. The groups and people that are part of the RIE We have been working for months […]
Youth in the RIE
At XIX Meeting of Ecovillages that will take place in Amalurra from August 25-28 , the organization is working to create a space full of activities and ideas dedicated to the youth attendees from among 12 and 18 years . What do young people say about life in community? At XIX Meeting of the RIE […]
The community’s power
Amalurra has hosted the XIX meeting of the RIE (Iberian Ecovillage Network) from August 25 to 28 . It has been four intense days in which we have had the opportunity to live with people from well-known communities and ecovillages, as well as with many other people interested in this lifestyle. Like any other event […]
The transformative power of “sustainable” dreams
East September 23 , together with other European communities from 15 countries, we celebrate the 1st European Day for Sustainable Communities , organized by the European network ECOLISE . In the Amalurra community We had the opportunity to share with some 80 people a day of awareness and learning about such a broad, diverse and […]
ECOLISE, General Assembly 2017
This year, the ECOLISE general assembly is held in Amalurra on March 6, 7 and 8, more than twenty people have arrived from different parts of Europe: Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Slovenia, England, Holland. … in addition to online participation. ECOLISE is a coalition of organizations dedicated to promoting and supporting local communities across Europe in […]
Meeting of Ecovillages in Los Portales
One more year, the RIE (Iberian Ecovillage Network) will celebrate its summer meeting, this time the Community of Los Portales (Seville) Drains the hostess of the event. For more than 20 years it has been the best opportunity to meet, share and celebrate new forms of collective, community and alternative life. This year’s meeting will […]
ESCOLISE proposes the European Day of Sustainable Communities
ECOLISE (European Community-led Initiatives for sustainability and climate change) held its third international meeting in Amalurra, in which 22 people from different European countries participated in person, and many others via online. One of its most relevant proposals was the celebration of the European Day of Sustainable Communities, The 23th of September. What is ECOLISE? […]
European Ecovillage Conference in Estonia
What can we learn from conscious communities? How can we apply this wisdom in the wider world and within ourselves? These are just some of the questions we will explore in the European Ecovillage Conference 2018 , inspired by the beautiful surroundings of the community of Lilleoru, Estonia. Under the theme of The wisdom of […]