This summer, the Amalurra Community will host the RIE ecovillage summer meeting , where people from very different places come together to live, share, learn and exchange experiences, information, projects and ideas, around the movement of communities and ecovillages.

The groups and people that are part of the RIE We have been working for months to create this space and bring together projects and initiatives related to the commitment to the Earth and the common good.

For Amalurra , the organization of the event, is a new experience for us since the summer meeting brings together hundreds of people and we want all of them to feel comfortable, enjoy and be truly a “transforming” space for everyone and … more there.

In fact, the motto of the meeting is: “Community, transformative space for a new global culture” , because we intuit that communities can be laboratories where we can test new paradigms and ways of seeing, understanding and managing our relationships with others and with nature.

Thus, although hosting this event supposes an extra delivery of energy, time and dedication before, during and after, we are excited by the challenge that it entails and because we know that it will be worth it.

We invite you, then, to participate in this meeting. Visit the page of to know the presentations, activities, workshops, concerts, markets, round tables, … that are germinating and make your registration .

Of course, you can also contribute with your seed by contributing what you can share, offer, show, teach, …

See you soon!


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