From August 22 to 24, a little before the ecovillage meeting, an introductory workshop on Dragon Dreaming has been organized in Amalurra. It is a theoretical experimental training workshop focused on INNOVATIVE people and organizations, entrepreneurs, startups and professionals from any activity sector.

This is how the facilitators of this workshop define us: Johnny Azpilicueta and Xaba OM what this innovative tool is, what it is for and how it works.


Dragon Dreaming is an innovative method for the collaborative development and management of creative and sustainable projects. Its base integrates different tools, dynamics and the application of collective intelligence, making the planning, management, implementation and evaluation processes of our project much more motivating, efficient and co-responsible with the environment.

More information at


In this introductory workshop the theoretical bases of the Dreaming Dragon will be presented, participants will be able to learn how a project can be created in an empathic and collaborative way based on the collective dream of the group, identifying the objectives of the project and the most effective strategy for its realization, followed by a detailed action plan.


This workshop is indicated for people looking for creative forms of collaboration to create, nurture and manage projects, resources and people. It is also suitable for people who are in transition, who work in community networks, environmentalists, public officials, members of social organizations or communities, researchers whose socio-environmental projects depend on the participation of the community in which they operate, entrepreneurs / as and all the people

determined to achieve successful projects in highly participatory and innovative environments.

During the workshop, all participants are invited to present their projects (Dreams) for the formation of working groups by project. In this way, the projects will be planned collaboratively with the objective that each group collectively empowers and appropriates their respective project so that they are later carried out after the end of the workshop.


• Empathy and Deep Listening
• Collective intelligence
• Win-Win Communication
• Reconnect with the Dream
• The Circle of Dreams
• The 4 Phases of a Project: Dreaming, Planning, Carrying out, Celebrating • Creation Objectives (strategies)
• The 12 Steps of a Successful Project
• Project Map (Karrabirdt)
• Collaborative Management
• Intuitive Budgeting
• Construction Commitment

Duration: 20 hours.


Johnny azpilicueta He is a metadisciplinary designer, consultant-trainer-facilitator in organizations oriented to group innovation. Dragon Dreaming Trainer and various other methodologies. Expert in tools for creative inquiry through comprehensive listening (multidimensional, multichannel). Visual thinker, graphic facilitator, permaculturer. He has spent more than 12 years as a consultant for large organizations in the corporate world and another 12 years living in a community in a rural environment, involved in social movements and cooperatives, for the new regenerative economy. Trainer in new models of dynamic governance in organizations such as living systems (Holacracy, Sociocracy).

Xaba is Brazilian, facilitator of groups and collaborative projects, Master in Physics and Dragon Dreaming Trainer, being trained directly by John Croft, the founder of Dragon Dreaming. He participated in the Gaia Education, Germinar, WYSE International Leadership and Warriors Without Arms (OASIS Games) programs. He is trained in Sociocracy by Gina Price, Diana Leaf Christian, James Priest and Lidi David and in Non-Violent Communication by Dominic Barter and Sven Fröhlich Archangelo. Member of the HUB and the Brazilian Network of Cities in Transition and the Dragon Dreaming International Network. He has participated in different networks and movements as a technician and coordinator in the areas of science, technology, communication, permaculture and culture of peace, and as a consultant in governments, companies and NGOs. His last most relevant works were the realization of Dragon Dreaming workshops by the Ministry of Culture (MinC) of the Federal Government of Brazil and the facilitation of the multi-year planning of the Coordination of Environmental Education of the Secretariat of the Environment of the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil) using Dragon Dreaming, Sociocracy and other social technologies. For more information:


Blanca Caballero is an entrepreneur and promoter of social and environmental projects that have a positive impact on society. He has experience facilitating the implementation of social co-responsibility programs for companies, from a strategic and operational level, taking into account the participation of workers and the needs of the environment where the company operates. He also has experience conducting communication and fundraising programs for non-governmental organizations through the creation of synergies with the business community.

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