Brothers in the heart of the world
Fly out, heart
beyond the prison of suspicion,
burial of life and its longing,
that ruins, belittles and murders,
all love or compassion.
Show us you, heart
that crazy tyranny of prejudice,
those invisible threads of dreams,
who has managed to be the owner so many times,
of mind and reason.
Break now my heart
the bars that imprison sanity,
that defame respect and the melting pot of a culture,
with words that are fears and extol madness
that dynamite the union.
Hug me, heart,
to be able to hug you
feel and argue
without fear gagging me or anger possessing me,
rage or unreason.
Open doors heart,
open eyes and windows,
ring souls and bells,
to stop arrogance, instruct ignorance,
wake up the sleepyhead.
Fly high heart
above hatred,
the quarrels and the fears,
poison, greed, anguish or avarice,
of judgment and misunderstanding.
Give me your voice, heart
release the lump in my throat,
and help me to be the one who sings
to cradle what scares
with your admirable song.
Amparo Fernández Sánchez