In the Amalurra community, sustainability has been based on emotional ecology, according to which the human being is a micro-universe that belongs to a macro-universe (the Earth, the social and environmental dimension).
In this sense, it has been taken into account that an inner transformation work contributes to transforming the exterior and that the external sustainability that we wish to implement is rooted in permanent inner changes based on trust, transparent relationships and a conscious management of emotions. That is why, we tried to be coherent with our life habits and the usage of the resources and, consequently, with practices that respect the environment.
Among them, the following stand out:
- reforestation of the surroundings (planting of native trees);
- flower and vegetable gardens where no pesticides or chemicals are used;
- sewage and waste treatment;
- use of natural construction materials and techniques (bio-construction);
- use of green energy (solar panels, biomass and energy efficiency);
- water management (with two drinking water wells and meadow drainage);
- dowsing and energy studies or water fountains to balance subtle energies.
Encounter with nature and sustainability
One of the goals of the community was to recover our ancestral bond with Mother Earth. Based on the emotional ecology work promoted by Irene Goikolea, we began to recover and prepare the land, aware that nature was a mirror that reflected our inner itinerary. Thus, our approach to ecology came from inside, from the management of our emotions, towards the outside.
As we delved into our deepest layers in pursuit of an emotional ecology, we started to heal emotions, which amount, as the waters on the planet do, to 80% of our physical reality. At the same time, we managed to make the stagnant waters flow in the estate where the community would materialize. Likewise, we removed the brambles, as a symbol that we had become aware of those aspects that were drowning us. Those brambles reflected our deepest layers and showed both individual and collective aspects that, somehow, we all share.
We also recovered the native vegetation, planting more than 3,500 oak trees in an attempt to rescue the wisdom they carried and that the land had kept after deforestation. Our work consisted of becoming aware of how the circumstances the outside world showed us mirrored certain inner contents. In this way, the inside and the outside intertwined in an unstoppable movement, in a deep movement that was not mental. This movement favored the materialization of the community in such a short period of time. This space became a resonator that allowed us to experience, learn, connect, manifest; in short, to co-create. Based on inner ecology, we applied bioconstruction techniques, recycling measures and alternative energies. Thus, the latest buildings already show part of this knowledge and have been built following the principles of sustainability and protection of nature.

Since we arrived at this place, we dedicated ourselves to repopulating it with native species. We planted more than 3,000 trees and today small forests have already formed. Besides, there are wonderful specimens that we inherited from our ancestors: a cedar, linden, cypress, oak, beech, ash …

The Amalurra gardens are one of our greatest achievements. The flowers, trees and bushes that make them are part of the essence of this place, which they transmit silently. In their care and treatments, we only used ecological techniques and products, so as to take care of and thank Mother Earth.

Located throughout the estate, there are several fountains designed with different materials, shapes and techniques. The fountains have the mission of rebalancing the energies of the place, following the art of Feng Sui and sacred geometry.