
family life in amalurra

Family life

The decision to live in a community was mostly an initiative of families from which we have built a great family, formed by families and individuals, in which children, youth, adults and the elderly coexist in an environment where daily life turns out to be a platform for the transformation of consciousness and the recovery of ancestral values.

Currently, the community is made up of 12 family nuclei , some traditional, others single parent or single person. Each family lives in their home and interacts with others, while sharing spaces, resources and above all a common goal around which we set certain goals and guidelines to achieve it.

The descendants of those who came to live in the community from its origins, have already grown and some are already flying on their own and are in different parts of the world. Others have remained near or in the community itself and are already waiting for offspring, the third generation is about to reach Amalurra.

Beyond our daily lives, we continue to believe that this experience can serve as inspiration and contribution to the creation of the new paradigm of “we” that many groups are promoting.

spiritual development in community

Spiritual development

Self-knowledge and introspection | Amalurra has chosen the community as the ideal platform where we can work, get to know each other, accept ourselves as individuals that are part of a whole. In this context of coexistence we have celebrated together encounters and disagreements, successes and failures, joys and sorrows, gains and losses, births and deaths, articulating the steps of a dance in which our inner transformation has been reflected on the outside as we have been raising awareness and materializing the community.

Therefore, the spiritual dimension It is a basic component of our life in community and in this sense we usually use the rituals inherited from our ancestors as an excellent vehicle to articulate feelings and ideas that are not easy to put into words and that promote the expression of the soul and the bond with the ancestors and Mother Earth. It seems important to us to point out that the community does not have any religious or ideological beliefs, but that each member is free to practice their own beliefs or not.

Also, during all these years and due to the inheritance that Irene Goikolea brought with him from his trips to America, we have had contact and maintained a relationship with Native American cultures s, from which we have adopted some of her tools and ways to honor and heal with Mother Earth.

Therefore, in Amalurra we have built a themescal and raised a teepee , elements from these cultures to gather around the fire and the elements and share the word that springs from the heart. Along with these spaces, there are also the stone circle , which we lift with the stones that we find in the place and the labyrinth , designed following the golden measurements of the Chàrtes labyrinth in France.

Ancestral Values

Ancestral Values

One of the objectives that we set for ourselves in our community experience was to promote spaces for dialogue and coexistence that would allow us to access the wisdom of our ancestors and recover intrinsic values of our culture , such as unity and solidarity, which counteract the current trend towards individualism.

Within this framework, we like to celebrate traditional rituals such as the San Juans night , we celebrate the word circles , we keep the use of our language alive, we practice the Auzolan in community tasks and we celebrate with the chants and dances of our land, together with family and friends, around a good table.

Encounter with nature

Encounter with nature

One of the objectives of Amalurra was to recover our ancestral bond with Mother Earth. When we got to Arzentzales, the farm was completely covered by brambles. The waters were stagnant and the native trees had been replaced by extensive forests of pine and eucalyptus. Based on the work of emotional ecology Promoted by Irene Goikolea, we began the work of recovery and adaptation of the land aware that nature was a mirror that reflected our internal itinerary. Thus, our approach to ecology was from the inside, from the management of our emotions, to the outside.

As we delved into our deepest layers in pursuit of a emotional ecology, we were healing emotions, which constitute, like the waters on the planet, 80% of our physical reality. In parallel, we got the stagnant waters to flow. In addition, we remove the brambles , as a symbol of awareness of those aspects that were drowning us. We were also recovering the native vegetation, planting thousands of oaks in an attempt to rescue the wisdom that they carried and the land they had saved after deforestation.

social responsibility

Social responsability

True to its commitment to social activism, Amalurra is integrated into the Iberian Ecovillage Network , RIE and in GEN , the European Network of Ecovillages . Interaction with other communities, settlements, and community projects is aimed at fostering personal growth, inclusion, dialogue, research, and awareness. Be part of an unstoppable global movement, globalizer in the best sense of the word and in which we actively participate, it gives us the opportunity to contribute our grain of sand with the experience distilled throughout these years.

sustainability in amalurra


Once the first part of this path has been covered, we come to the moment of applying abroad everything we have learned in our inner journey abroad and we begin to be interested, train and apply techniques of bioconstruction , recycling and alternative energies . Our latest buildings already collect part of this knowledge and the aspiration is to continue in this line.

Also, the creation of ecological gardens and the increasing dedication to respectful cultivation of the land, especially by our young people, encourages us to consider the self-sufficiency for our homes and, over time, for the restaurant, using healthy products, grown at home, promoting local varieties, recycling and making the most of natural resources in a conscious way.